
张荧, 赵迪. 改良悬雍垂腭咽成形术对体位依赖性和非体位依赖性OSA疗效差异性和预测因素分析[J]. 临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2024, 38(8): 703-709. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.2096-7993.2024.08.006
引用本文: 张荧, 赵迪. 改良悬雍垂腭咽成形术对体位依赖性和非体位依赖性OSA疗效差异性和预测因素分析[J]. 临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2024, 38(8): 703-709. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.2096-7993.2024.08.006
ZHANG Ying, ZHAO Di. Analysis of the difference of therapeutic effect and predictive factors between postural and non-postural OSA after modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty[J]. J Clin Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2024, 38(8): 703-709. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.2096-7993.2024.08.006
Citation: ZHANG Ying, ZHAO Di. Analysis of the difference of therapeutic effect and predictive factors between postural and non-postural OSA after modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty[J]. J Clin Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2024, 38(8): 703-709. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.2096-7993.2024.08.006


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Analysis of the difference of therapeutic effect and predictive factors between postural and non-postural OSA after modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty

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  • 目的 分析影响体位依赖性(positional obstructive sleep apnea, POSA)和非体位依赖性OSA(non-positional OSA,NPOSA)患者悬雍垂腭咽成形术疗效的因素,并探讨二者影响因素之间的差异。方法 回顾性分析2020年11月-2023年11月在浙江大学医学院附属第二医院耳鼻咽喉科接受治疗并追踪随访的101例OSA患者的临床资料,其中45例POSA患者,56例NPOSA患者,均行夜间睡眠呼吸监测及三维计算机断层扫描(3D-CT)评估上气道解剖结构。患者均接受保留悬雍垂的改良腭咽成形术(han-uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, H-UPPP),术后3个月随访。结果 手术总体有效率为55.45%,接受H-UPPP的POSA手术成功率(30/45,66.7%)高于NPOSA(26/56,46.4%),2组比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.042)。POSA的H-UPPP疗效与腭咽部气道最小左右径(r=-0.505,P < 0.001)、舌咽部气道最小左右径(mLAT)(r=-0.474,P=0.001)和最小横截面积(r=-0.394,P=0.007)呈负相关。Logistic分析显示,舌咽部mLAT是POSA患者手术疗效的显著预测因子(OR 0.873;95%CI 0.798~0.955,P=0.003)。年龄是NPOSA患者手术疗效的显著预测因子(OR 0.936;95%CI 0.879~0.998,P=0.042)。结论 POSA患者H-UPPP手术疗效高于NPOSA。舌咽部mLAT是影响POSA疗效的重要预测因素。年龄是影响NPOSA疗效的预测因素。
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  • 图 1  上气道3D-CT检查

    图 2  上气道三维重建

    图 3  POSA与NPOSA患者手术前后AHI比较

    图 4  POSA/NPOSA患者手术有效组及无效组独立预测因素统计数据

    图 5  舌咽部mLAT预测POSA手术疗效的ROC曲线

    表 1  2组OSA患者的术前临床资料比较 X±SM(P25P75)

    项目 POSA(n=45) NPOSA(n=56) t/Z P
      年龄/岁 34(30,44) 40(32,46) -1.412 0.158
      BMI/kg/m2 26.80(24.60,28.40) 28.07(25.80,29.33) -2.071 0.038
      AHI/次/h 44.00(29.40,54.60) 63.65(50.18,75.52) -4.178 < 0.01
      LSpO2/% 78.00(73.5,82.5) 72.00(67.0,78.5) -3.46 0.001
      TS90/% 4.07(1.50,16.10) 15.60(3.18,34.05) -2.498 0.013
      MAP 7.72±2.80 7.27±2.65 0.892 0.375
      mLAT 11.70(8.70,16.05) 10.50(7.15,12.50) -2.129 0.033
      mCSA 89.00(63.61,125.86) 75.20(45.15,94.38) -2.245 0.025
      mAP 13.75±4.38 14.12±4.87 -0.439 0.662
      mLAT 15.40(9.75,25.25) 15.50(8.83,21.83) -0.799 0.424
      mCSA 197.00(120.56,279,60) 187.32(141.10,259.63) -0.083 0.934
    AL/mm 85.61±8.91 85.87±8.47 -0.719 0.472
    MH/mm 14.04±6.64 15.10±6.44 -3.915 < 0.01
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    表 2  POSA患者手术有效者与无效者术前临床资料比较 X±SM(P25P75)

    项目 有效(n=30) 无效(n=15) t/Z P
      年龄/岁 34(31,45) 35(29,43) -0.241 0.809
      BMI/kg/m2 26.85(24.02,28.45) 26.12(24.90,28.10) -0.253 0.800
      AHI/次/h 44.80±17.85 42.47±19.89 0.398 0.693
      LSpO2/% 78.0(72.0,82.3) 78.0(75.0,83.4) -0.458 0.647
      TS90/% 4.10(1.50,20.40) 3.40(1.30,13.30) -0.458 0.647
      MAP 7.69±2.86 7.77±2.78 -0.089 0.929
      mLAT 10.55(7.47,12.68) 16.00(13.00,18.90) -3.347 0.001
      mCSA 84.30(56.43,114.00) 105.80(87.00,135.30) -1.866 0.062
      mAP 13.53±4.68 14.19±3.82 -0.472 0.639
      mLAT 14.15±6.86 23.57±9.98 -3.719 0.001
      mCSA 179.62±82.65 259.87±97.97 -2.886 0.006
    AL/mm 82.90(76.88,91.00) 83.50(78.90,95.40) -1.12 0.263
    MH/mm 13.59±7.63 13.22±8.03 0.882 0.126
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    表 3  NPOSA患者手术有效者与无效者术前临床资料比较 X±SM(P25P75)

    项目 有效(n=26) 无效(n=30) t/Z P
      年龄/岁 36.31±8.18 41.96±10.06 -2.282 0.026
      BMI/kg/m2 28.40(24.80,29.40) 27.78(26.10,28.91) -0.016 0.987
      AHI/次/h 64.80(48.80,70.40) 63.90(57.30,74.06) -0.288 0.774
      LSpO2/% 72.69±7.49 70.23±10.39 1.002 0.321
      TS90/% 18.00(3.00,32.80) 14.50(3.70,33.90) -0.846 0.397
      mAP 7.22±2.27 7.24±2.96 -0.033 0.974
      mLAT 11.00(7.80,12.50) 10.70(7.10,12.50) -0.107 0.915
      mCSA 72.10±35.25 80.33±42.65 -0.77 0.445
      mAP 14.46±4.77 13.89±4.94 0.441 0.661
      mLAT 10.80(8.90,21.90) 17.80(12.30,21.60) -0.411 0.681
      mCSA 203.24±78.95 206.72±105.60 -0.136 0.892
    AL/mm 83.03±7.66 85.70±8.87 -1.184 0.242
    MH/mm 13.49±6.82 15.05±7.85 -0.789 0.434
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