The effect of different rotation modes on testing resulting of the subjective visual vertical
摘要: 目的 探讨控制棒的不同旋转方式对主观视觉垂直线(SVV)检测结果的影响。方法 选取24例健康青年人,在正中(0°)、左侧45°、右侧45°三种不同头位下分别对SVV检测仪控制棒进行任意方向、顺时针和逆时针方向旋转,分析不同旋转方式下上述三种头位的SVV偏斜度的差异。结果 ① 正中(0°)头位下,顺时针、逆时针和任意方向旋转控制棒所得SVV偏斜度分别为1.56°±0.21°、3.05°±0.24°和2.16°±0.22°,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),顺时针方向旋转控制棒所得SVV偏斜度更小;②左侧45°头位下,顺时针、逆时针和任意方向旋转控制棒所得SVV偏斜度分别为2.59°±0.53°、4.03°±0.51°和3.49°±0.54°,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),顺时针方向旋转控制棒所得SVV偏斜度更小;③右侧45°头位下,顺时针、逆时针和任意方向所得SVV偏斜度分别为4.68°±0.58°、7.23°±0.72°和5.93°±0.96°,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),顺时针方向旋转所得SVV偏斜度更小;④左侧45°与右侧45°头位下不同旋转方式SVV偏斜度比较显示,顺时针和任意方向旋转控制棒所得SVV偏斜度的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而逆时针旋转控制棒所得SVV偏斜度差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。结论 SVV测试时控制棒的不同旋转方式会对测试结果产生影响,为了使获得的SVV偏斜度数值更准确,推荐采用顺时针方向旋转控制棒进行SVV检测操作。Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of different rotations modes of control rod on testing results of the subjective visual vertical (SVV).Methods Twenty-four normal young volunteers were selected for this study, and the control rod of SVV was rotated in clockwise, counterclockwise and any direction at the head tilt-positions of 0°, 45° left and 45° right. The differences of SVV deflection angle values at different rotation modes were analyzed.Results ① The deviation angle values of SVV obtained by rotating the control rod in clockwise, counterclockwise and any direction at the head tilt-positions of 0° were 1.56°±0.21°, 3.05°±0.24°, and 2.16°±0.22°, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05), the deviation angle value of SVV in clockwise direction was smaller; ②At head tilt-positions of 45° left, the SVV deviation angle values obtained by rotating the control rod in three rotation modes were 2.59°±0.53°, 4.03°±0.51°, and 3.49°±0.54°, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant(P < 0.05), the deviation angle value in the clockwise direction was also smaller; ③At the head tilt-positions of 45° right, the SVV deviation angle values in three modes were 4.68°±0.58°, 7.23°±0.72°, and 5.93°±0.96°, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05), the deviation value of SVV was also smaller when rotated in the clockwise direction; ④Comparison of SVV deviation angle values in three rotation modes at the head tilt-positions of 45° left and 45° right showed that there was no statistical difference in clockwise and in any direction (P>0.05), while the difference was statistically significant when rotated in the counterclockwise direction (P < 0.05).Conclusion Different rotation modes of the control rod during SVV testing will affect the test results. Rotating the control rod in clockwise direction to make the SVV values more accurate is recommended.
Key words:
- rotation mode /
- subjective visual vertical /
- deviation angle /
- otolith
表 1 不同头位下SVV检测时调节控制棒旋转方式的顺序
测试顺序 受试者 1 2 3 4 5 6 第一次 顺时针 任意方向 逆时针 顺时针 逆时针 任意方向 第二次 逆时针 顺时针 任意方向 任意方向 顺时针 逆时针 第三次 任意方向 逆时针 顺时针 逆时针 任意方向 顺时针 表 2 正中(0°)头位下不同旋转方式SVV偏斜度的比较
旋转方式 范围/(°) 偏斜度/(°) 95%置信区间 顺时针 0.2~3.5 1.56±0.212)3) 1.081~1.964 逆时针 2.1~5.5 3.05±0.241)3) 2.467~3.477 任意方向 0.9~3.5 2.16±0.221)2) 1.693~2.618 与顺时针旋转比较,1) P < 0.05;与逆时针旋转比较,2) P < 0.05;与任意方向旋转比较,3) P < 0.05。 表 3 左侧45°头位下不同旋转方式SVV偏斜度的比较
旋转方式 范围/(°) 偏斜度/(°) 95%置信区间 顺时针 1.5~7.6 2.59±0.532)3) 1.421~3.761 逆时针 3.9~11.4 4.03±0.511)3) 2.898~5.157 任意方向 1.4~13.2 3.49±0.541)2) 2.286~4.696 与顺时针旋转比较,1) P < 0.05;与逆时针旋转比较,2) P < 0.05;与任意方向旋转比较,3) P < 0.05。 表 4 右侧45°头位下不同旋转方式SVV偏斜度的比较
旋转方式 范围/(°) 偏斜度/(°) 95%置信区间 顺时针 0.4~9.9 4.68±0.582)3) 3.403~5.964 逆时针 0.7~7.4 7.23±0.721)3) 5.563~8.818 任意方向 0.6~10.4 5.93±0.961)2) 3.805~8.045 与顺时针旋转比较,1) P < 0.05;与逆时针旋转比较,2) P < 0.05;与任意方向旋转比较,3) P < 0.05。 表 5 左侧45°与右侧45°头位下不同旋转方式SVV偏斜度的比较
旋转方式 左侧45° 右侧45° P值 顺时针 3.04±2.23 3.93±2.11 0.267 逆时针 4.60±1.60 6.44±2.36 0.041 任意方向 4.14±2.17 5.08±3.00 0.546 -
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