The significance of evaluation of sleep respiration in infants with Pierre Robin sequence
摘要: 目的 通过PSG对皮罗序列征婴幼儿进行睡眠紊乱的评估,探讨其作为病情客观指标的可行性,了解此类患儿的睡眠呼吸特征。方法 采取PSG对17例皮罗序列征患儿进行>7 h的整夜睡眠监测,记录其睡眠呼吸、血氧等指标,并对监测的结果进行统计和分析。结果 14例(82.35%)皮罗序列征患儿存在不同程度的呼吸暂停、低通气及低氧血症,AHI为12.39±9.86,LSaO2为(84.12±8.12)%。不同性别的皮罗序列征婴幼儿AHI及LSaO2比较差异均无统计学意义,年龄与AHI呈负相关。结论 皮罗序列征多有不同程度的呼吸暂停和低氧血症,需要及早干预,年龄越小病情相对越重,PSG监测可为皮罗序列征的评估提供客观依据,对治疗有重要的指导意义。Abstract: Objective This study aimed to evaluate the sleep disorders of infants with Pierre Robin sequence by PSG, and to understand the sleep breathing characteristics of them.Method Seventeen patients with Pierre Robin sequence underwent polysomnography lasting over 7 hours. Sleep apnea and oxygen index was recorded and analyzed.Result 14(82.35%) patients with Pierre Robin sequence presented with apnea, hypopnea and hypoxemia with varying degree. The apnea-hypopnea index(12.39±9.86) and lowest arterial oxygen saturation(84.12±8.12) %were not significantly different between sexes. However, age showed a negative impact with apnea-hypopnea index, which was worse in younger infants.Conclusion Most patients with the Pierre Robin sequence have sleep apnea and hypoxemia, and appropriate management should be implemented in an early age. Polysomnography can provide objective analysis of the treatment.
Key words:
- polysomnography /
- infant /
- Pierre Robin sequence /
- sleep apnea
表 1 不同性别的患儿PSG结果分析
x±s 组别 例数 AHI OAI LSaO2 SaO2 < 90% 氧减指数 男性组 9 14.10±11.34 4.66±5.21 84.11±9.88 2.15±3.52 14.33±11.51 女性组 8 10.48±8.21 3.39±3.51 84.13±6.24 1.28±1.92 10.05±7.43 表 2 不同年龄的患儿多导睡眠监测结果分析
x±s 组别 例数 AHI OAI LSaO2 SaO2 < 90% 氧减指数 < 6个月组 9 18.47±9.96 6.49±4.92 81.00±9.84 3.19±3.31 18.44±9.71 ≥6个月组 8 5.56±2.87 1.33±0.75 87.63±3.66 0.11±0.23 5.43±2.72 -
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