
朱见, 贺青卿, 郑鲁明, 等. 达芬奇机器人双侧腋窝乳晕入路在甲状腺癌手术中的规范应用[J]. 临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2018, 32(14): 1071-1074. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1781.2018.14.007
引用本文: 朱见, 贺青卿, 郑鲁明, 等. 达芬奇机器人双侧腋窝乳晕入路在甲状腺癌手术中的规范应用[J]. 临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2018, 32(14): 1071-1074. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1781.2018.14.007
ZHU Jian, HE Qingqing, ZHENG Luming, et al. BABA of da Vinci robot thyroid surgery in the standard treatment of thyroid cancer surgery[J]. J Clin Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2018, 32(14): 1071-1074. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1781.2018.14.007
Citation: ZHU Jian, HE Qingqing, ZHENG Luming, et al. BABA of da Vinci robot thyroid surgery in the standard treatment of thyroid cancer surgery[J]. J Clin Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2018, 32(14): 1071-1074. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1781.2018.14.007


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    通讯作者: 贺青卿,E-mail:heqingqing@yeah.net
  • 中图分类号: R736.1

BABA of da Vinci robot thyroid surgery in the standard treatment of thyroid cancer surgery

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