摘要: 音调异常是多种嗓音疾病的常见表现,其病理机制复杂,涉及声带张力、质量的变化以及喉神经肌肉功能的异常等。本研究旨在探讨音调异常相关疾病的生理机制及诊疗方法,为临床音调异常相关疾病的诊疗提供参考。Abstract: Pitch abnormalities are a common manifestation of various voice disorders, with complex pathophysiological mechanisms involving changes in vocal fold tension, mass, and neuromuscular dysfunction of the larynx. This study aims to investigate the underlying physiological mechanisms of pitch-related disorders and explore diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, providing insights for clinical management.
Key words:
- pitch /
- fundamental frequency /
- voice /
- voice training
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