摘要: 嗓音声学分析可用于检测和分析正常嗓音、艺术嗓音和病理性嗓音的声学特征,是一种客观、定量、非侵入且可重复的嗓音质量评价方法。随着现代医学、物理学、统计学和人工智能技术的发展,近年来嗓音声学分析的研究,特别是在声学参数的开发和适用性上有了新的进展。同时利用人工神经网络等辅助计算方法进行复杂的多参数分析,大大提高了嗓音声学分析的效率。本文就嗓音声学分析的方法及其最新进展做一概述。Abstract: Acoustic analysis of the voice, as an objective, quantitative, non-invasive and reproducible method for the evaluation of voice quality, can be used to detect and analyze the acoustic characteristics of normal, artistic or pathological voice. With the development of medicine, physics, statistics, and artificial intelligence technology, there are new advances in the study of voice acoustic analysis, especially in terms of acoustic parameters. In addition, artificial neural networks can be used to perform complex multi-parameter analysis, which greatly improves the efficiency of acoustic analysis. This paper provides an overview of the methods of acoustic analysis and its latest development.
Key words:
- voice quality /
- objective evaluation /
- acoustic analysis
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