The development of consonant perception in pediatric cochlear implants of 1-3 years old
摘要: 目的 初步探讨植入年龄为1~3岁行单侧人工耳蜗植入术(CI)的语前双耳极重度感音神经性听力损失儿童术后3年内声母辨识能力的发育规律。方法 采用回顾性研究的方法, 分析完成CI开机的听力损失儿童声母辨识能力的相关情况。根据植入年龄分为1岁组(1~ < 2岁)和2岁组(2~ < 3岁)。采用普通话早期言语感知测试, 在开机后1、2、3年时测试CI儿童声母辨识能力, 并将1岁组与同龄健听儿童的声母辨识能力的发展趋势进行对比。结果 ① 两组CI儿童的声母辨识能力均随着生理年龄的增长而显著提高(P=0.038, P=0.012);②1岁组的声母辨识能力明显高于2岁组(P < 0.05), 但与同龄健听儿童相比还存在很大的差异。结论 术后3年内, 植入年龄小于3岁的儿童随着CI佩戴时间的增加其声母辨识能力均有相应提高, 但与同龄健听儿童相比还存在着一定的差异; 植入年龄越小, 声母辨识能力越好。Abstract: Objective To explore the development of consonant perception in early implanted pediatric with prelingual bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss at 1 to 3 years of age.Methods A retrospective study was conducted to prospectively analyze the pediatric with hearing impaired who had cochlear implantation. According to the age of implantation, all participants were divided into two groups as 1 year old group(1- < 2) and 2 years old group(2- < 3). It was compared the consonant perception of Mandarin early speech perception test scores at 1, 2, 3 years after implantation as well as the trends in consonant perception between 1 year old group and normal hearing pediatrics of the same age.Results ① The scores improved notably in two groups with the increase of physiological age(P=0.038, P=0.012); ②The consonant perception of 1 year old group was significantly better than that of 2 years old group(P < 0.05), however, there are great difference between 1 year old group and normal hearing pediatrics of the same age.Conclusion With the increase of physiological age, the consonant perception will be improved correspondingly within 3 years of pediatric cochlear implants under the age of 3 however there are differences with normal hearing pediatrics of the same age; the earlier the age of implant, the better the consonant perception is.
Key words:
- cochlear implantation /
- child /
- prelingual deafness /
- consonant perception
表 1 CI儿童随访评估情况
组别 生理年龄 合计 2.5岁 3.5岁 4.5岁 5.5岁 1岁组 9 20 11 - 40 2岁组 - 27 39 17 83 合计 9 47 50 17 123 -
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