The morphology and resilience change of upper airway in patients with OSAHS:A MSCT study
摘要: 目的:应用128层螺旋CT结合不同呼吸时相对OSAHS患者上气道形态及咽腔顺应性的改变进行研究。方法:对49例OSAHS患者于清醒状态行平静呼吸及Müller呼吸时相CT扫描,测量软腭后区及舌后区相关二维径线及气道容积,并计算软腭后区及舌后区咽腔顺应性,并根据AHI将OSAHS患者分为非重度组与重度组,进行多个组间比较。结果:①Müller呼吸时软腭后区及舌后区最小截面积,软腭后区前后径、左右径,舌后区左右径,气道及软腭后区总容积及平均容积均小于平静呼吸,软腭长度大于平静呼吸,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。②重度组软腭后区咽腔各顺应性大于舌后区,非重度组软腭后区总顺应性大于舌后区,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);重度组与非重度组咽腔顺应性差异无统计学意义。③重度组Müller呼吸软腭后区及舌后区左右径、软腭后区平均容积均小于非重度组,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。④两种呼吸状态下软腭后区形态均趋于横椭圆形,舌后区趋于纵椭圆形。结论:上气道多时相CT扫描结合后处理技术,二维及三维数据的测量可对OSAHS患者上气道形态及顺应性的改变进行定位、定量的评估。
- 睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征 /
- 阻塞性 /
- 上气道 /
- 咽壁顺应性 /
- 呼吸暂停低通气指数
Abstract: Objective:To analyse the morphology and resilience of upper airway in patients with OSAHS using 128-slice MSCT.Method:CT imaging of the upper airway in 49 patients with OSAHS was acquired in two respiratory status (quiet respiration and Müller maneuver).The two-dimensional measurements of retropalatal and retroglossal regions, airway volume, and airway resilience were measured in patients with severe OSAHS and non-severe OSAHS.And the results were compared between those two groups.Result:① The following measurements during Müller maneuver were smaller than those during quiet respiration:the smallest cross section area of retropalatal and retroglossal region, the anteroposterior diameters (AP) and lateral diameters (L) of retropalatal region, L of retroglossal region, volume and average volume of upper airway and retropalatal area (P<0.01).②The pharyngeal wall resilience of retropalata region was larger than those of retroglossal region in patients with severe OSAHS.The total resilience of retropalatal was larger than that of retroglossal region in patients with non-severe OSAHS.The pharyngeal wall resilience between severe and non-severe OSAHS had no significant difference.③L of retropalatal and retroglossal region, and average area of retropalatal region, were smaller in patients with severe OSAHS than those with non-severe OSAHS during Müller maneuver (P<0.05).④ The cross-section of upper airway tend to be horizontal oval in retropalatal regions, and vertical oval in retroglossal regions.Conclusion:128-slice MSCT scan can achieve both positioning and quantitative analysis of the morphology and resilience changes of the upper airway in patients with OSAHS.-
Key words:
- sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome /
- obstructive /
- upper airway /
- pharynx wall resilience /
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