An analysis of biochemical markers of bone metabolism in patients with idiopathic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
摘要: 目的:探讨特发性良性阵发性位置性眩晕(iBPPV)患者的骨代谢特点及与BPPV的关系。方法:研究纳入确诊的iBPPV患者38例(病例组),对照组32例为同期无头晕病史的健康体检志愿者。病例组与对照组进行骨代谢生化标志物检测,包括骨钙素(OC)、25羟维生素D3[25(OH) D3]、总1型前胶原氨基末端肽(PINP)、B胶原降解产物(β-CTx)。并根据年龄分为<50岁组和≥50岁组,进行数据分析。结果:①病例组中,右后半规管管石症23例,左后半规管管石症9例,右侧水平半规管管石症2例,左侧水平半规管管石症2例,右侧水平半规管嵴帽结石症2例。②病例组骨代谢血清学检查:OC为(15.99±5.00) ng/ml、25(OH) D3为(15.78±6.82) ng/ml、PINP为(46.61±14.95) ng/ml、β-CTx为(0.381±0.189) ng/ml,OC与25(OH) D3值均低于正常值范围。病例组的OC (t=-2.013,P=0.048)、25(OH) D3(t=-2.133,P=0.037)和PINP (t=-2.615,P=0.011)均低于对照组,且差异有统计学意义;β-CTx虽然低于对照组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。③年龄<50岁组的OC (t=-2.187,P=0.035)、25(OH) D3(t=-2.190,P=0.035)和PINP (t=-2.322,P=0.026)均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义;年龄≥50岁组患者各项标志物均与对照组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:iBPPV可能与骨代谢异常相关,在年龄<50岁患者中更为显著。Abstract: Objective:To analyze the biochemical markers of bone metabolism in patients with idiopathic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (iBPPV).Method:The study included 38 patients with iBPPV.Thirty-two healthy persons were collected as control group.Routine history collection, physical examination, and diagnosis were recorded in case group.Both the case group and control group were assessed for the status of bone biochemical markers.Result:①Among the 38 patients with iBPPV, posterior semicircular canal BPPV in right ear (R-PC-BPPV) presented in 23 cases, left ear (L-PC-BPPV) in 9 cases, horizontal semicircular canal BPPV in right ear in 2 cases, and in left ear in 2 cases, horizontal semicircular canal cupulolithiasis in 2 cases.②The value of osteocalcin (OC), 25 hydroxyvitamin D3[25 (OH) D3], amino terminal propeptide of type I procollagen (PINP) in case group were lower than the normal reference value, and also significantly lower than that in the control group, OC:t=-2.013, P=0.048;25 (OH) D3:t=-2.133, P=0.037;PINP:t=-2.615, P=0.011.There was no significant difference ofβ-isomerized carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (β-CTx) between the case group and control group.③The value of OC (t=-2.187, P=0.035), 25 (OH) D3 (t=-2.190, P=0.035) and PINP (t=-2.322, P=0.026) in patients lower than 50 years old were significantly lower than that in the control group.The difference of these biochemical markers between the case and control group was not significant when subjects were ≥ 50 years old.Conclusion:The biochemical markers of bone metabolism in patients with iBPPV are declined, especially in patients lower than 50 years old.There may be abnormal bone metabolism in iBPPV patients.
Key words:
- vertigo /
- bone metabolism /
- biochemical markers of bone metabolism
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