Role of sleep apnea monitoring management platform in the treatment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
摘要: 目的: 通过与传统呼吸机读卡模式管理对比,探讨睡眠呼吸监测智能化管理云平台对OSAHS患者治疗管理的临床意义及价值。方法: 采用前瞻性研究方法对2015-11-2016-08期间在红河州第三人民医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科-睡眠医学中心进行就诊,行PSG监测确诊的48例进行经鼻持续气道正压通气(N-CPAP)治疗的重度OSAHS成年患者,随机分为A、B组,每组24例。A组采用传统呼吸机读卡模式进行指导治疗,B组采用睡眠呼吸监测管理云平台进行指导治疗,进行为期1年的随访,统计2组患者治疗1、3、6、12个月后的依从性、平均血氧饱和度、呼吸机治疗滴定压力、Epworth嗜睡量表的差异。结果: 经统计分析,患者在CPAP 2种模式下进行治疗,在治疗依从性每月戴呼吸机治疗时间、治疗夜间平均血氧指标、治疗后Epworth嗜睡量表评分3个方面差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05),而在呼吸机治疗滴定压力方面,差异无统计学意义。结论: 运用睡眠呼吸监测管理云平台对OSAHS患者治疗进行管理,较传统读卡模式更能及时解决患者呼吸机使用过程中出现的问题,提高患者戴机依从性,从而提高疗效,具有更好的临床价值,值得推广。
- 睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征 /
- 阻塞性 /
- 持续气道正压通气 /
- 医疗云
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the clinical significance and value of the sleep apnea monitoring management platform in the treatment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) by comparing with the traditional continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) card reader mode.Method: A total of 48 severe adult OSAHS patients from Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery-Sleep Medical Center of the Third People's Hospital of Honghe during the period of Nov. 2015 to Aug. 2016 were collected in this prospective study. All of them were diagnosed by PSG and treated with nasal continuous positive airway pressure. They were randomly divided into group A (n=24) and group B (n=24). Group A and B were treated with the traditional CPAP card reader mode and the sleep apnea monitoring management platform respectively. During the follow-up, the compliance, mean blood oxygen saturation, titration pressure, Epworth sleepiness scale after 1, 3, 6 and 12 month treatment were compared between two groups. T-test was used to analyze the difference. Statistical significance was set at P<0.05.Result: Statistical analysis showed that there were significant difference in the compliance of using CPAP, mean blood oxygen saturation and Epworth sleepiness scale score between the two groups (P<0.05), but the titration pressure had no difference between the two groups (P>0.05).Conclusion: Compared the sleep apnea monitoring management platform with traditional CPAP card reader mode in the treatment of OSAHS patients, the former could solve the problems during the CPAP use in time, improve the compliance of using CPAP, and which could increase the efficacy of CPAP. Thus, the sleep apnea monitoring management platform is of more clinical value and deserve promotion. -
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