The application of Da Vinci surgical system in pediatric otolaryngology head and neck surgery
- 达芬奇机器人手术系统 /
- 儿童 /
- 耳鼻咽喉头颈外科
Abstract: Da Vinci surgical system (DVSS), a novel surgical technology, is gradually applied in various surgical operations due to its accuracy and safety. In adult Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, based DVSS the Transoral Robotic Surgery and neck robotic surgery have rich experience, and gradually being extended to pediatric with preferable initial results. The purpose of this article is to summarize the application of DVSS in pediatric otolaryngologyhead and neck surgery, and and to present future prospectives. Clinicians should actively learn to adopt new techniques and advantages of DVSS, and strive to improve the outcome of surgical treatment.-
Key words:
- Da Vinci surgical system /
- child /
- otolaryngology head and neck surgery
表 1 不同手术路径儿童耳鼻咽喉头颈外科DVSS手术
参考文献 手术路径 术式 病理 病例数 平均年龄 性别 手术完成率/% 平均手术时间/min 平均住院天数/d 男 女 Leonardis等[44];Thottam等[45];Montevecchi等[46] TORS 舌根或扁桃体切除术 舌根或扁桃体肥大 28 11.7岁 16 12 100 47.0 2.2 Leonardis等[49];Rahbar等[55] TORS 喉裂修补术 喉裂 11 3.6岁 6 5 73 91.5 4.2a) Wine等[56];Kokot等[57] TORS 咽部肿物切除术 咽部软组织肉瘤 2 8.2岁 2 0 100 226.0a) 9.5 Kayhan等[51] TORS 囊肿开窗减压术 舌根部甲状舌管囊肿 1 2个月 0 1 100 13.0 3.0 Ferrell等[48] TORS 部分杓状软骨切除、环状软骨成形术 声带麻痹、声门下狭窄 2 9岁 1 1 50 424.0 5.0a) 庄大勇等[54] BABA 甲状腺癌根治术 甲状腺癌 45 18.5岁 12 33 100 177.9 6.9 Wu等[52] TAA 甲状腺、甲状旁腺、胸腺、皮样囊肿切除术 甲状腺肿物、甲状旁腺、胸腺肿物、皮样囊肿 7 15.7岁 0 7 100 146.1 1.0a) Wu等[52];Venkatakarthikeyan等[53] RA 鳃裂囊肿切除术、腮腺肿瘤切除术、甲状腺切除术 鳃裂囊肿、腮腺肿物、桥本甲状腺炎 4 15.5岁 0 4 100 142.0a) 1.3a) 注:a)为部分参考文献中提供数据不完整,数值为已知数据取平均值。 -
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