Effect analysis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo secondary to sudden sensorineural hearing loss
摘要: 目的 探讨突发性聋继发的良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)手法复位与原发性BPPV手法复位的疗效差异。方法 将392例BPPV患者分为突发性聋伴BPPV组(64例)和原发性BPPV组(328例),所有患者均经位置试验确诊为BPPV,行手法复位后1周,评估其疗效。结果 突发性聋伴BPPV组患者经手法复位治疗1周后评估,治愈42例(65.62%),症状改善18例(28.12%),无效4例(6.25%)。原发性BPPV组患者经手法复位治疗1周后评估,治愈324例(98.78%),症状改善3例(0.91%),无效1例(0.30%)。手法复位治疗1周后,突发性聋伴BPPV组手法复位治疗效果明显低于原发性BPPV组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001)。结论 对原发性BPPV患者采取手法复位治疗,疗效优于突发性聋伴BPPV患者。Abstract: Objective To compare the effectiveness of canalith repositioning procedure between BPPV secondary to sudden sensorineural hearing loss(SSNHL) group and idiopathic BPPV(i-BPPV) group.Methods A retrospective study of patients with evidence of idiopathic BPPV or SSNHL with BPPV. All participants were identified and categorized by using the Dix-Hallpike test and roll test, and then followed by canalith repositioning procedures (CRPs). The assessment of outcome was conducted at one-week post-CRPs.Results Sixty-four BPPV patients secondary to sudden sensorineural hearing loss and 328 patients with idiopathic BPPV were included. The posterior canal is the most affected in both group. At one-week post-treatment, the effectiveness of CRPs in the BPPV with SSNHL group was significantly lower than that of the i-BPPV group (P < 0.001).Conclusion The clinical characteristics of BPPV secondary to SSNHL were like those of i-BPPV, while BPPV secondary to SSNHL was associated with poorer outcomes than i-BPPV when treated by CRPs.
Key words:
- deafness /
- sudden /
- vertigo /
- semicircular canals
表 1 突聋伴BPPV组及原发性BPPV组患者临床特征比较
BPPVt/χ2 P 性别(男:女) 29:35 112:216 2.899 0.089 年龄/岁 48.16± 11.83 56.15± 14.40 -4.729 0.000 后半规管BPPV 36(56.25) 185(56.40) 外半规管BPPV 28(43.75) 129(39.33) 1.940 0.563 前半规管BPPV 0(0) 4(1.22) 多半规管BPPV 0(0) 10(3.05) -
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