摘要: 目的:评估人工耳蜗植入(CI)术后患儿生活质量并探讨其影响因素,为患儿制定全面、个性化康复方案提供理论依据。方法:使用中文版CI儿童家长观点调查问卷对103例CI患儿从交流、基本功能、自立能力、幸福感、社会关系、教育、人工耳蜗植入的效果和影响、对孩子的支持8个维度进行评分,根据CI使用时间和评估年龄的不同分别进行比较,探讨性别、CI植入年龄及使用时间、父母受教育程度、居住地是否为影响各个维度得分的重要因素。结果:随着评估年龄和CI使用时间的增长,患儿在各个维度的得分也逐渐提高;CI植入年龄及使用时间、父母受教育程度、居住地是影响患儿术后生活质量的4个重要因素。结论:应尽早为听障患儿植入人工耳蜗,在关注其术后听力言语康复效果的同时,也要重视对其生活质量的评估,使CI患儿可以更好的回归主流社会。Abstract: Objective: To provide theoretical basis for developing comprehensive and individualized rehabilitation programs, we evaluate the quality of life on children with cochlear implants (CI)and explore the influencing factors. Method: One hundred and three children with CI using the Mandaren children with cochlear implants:parental perspectives questionnaire were rated from communication, basic functions, independence ability, well-being, social relations, education, effect and influence of cochlear implants, and the support for children. The comparison was made according to different groups between duration of cochlear implants and age at assessment. Result: With the increasing of age at evaluation and the duration of cochlear implants, the scores of children in each dimension were also increased gradually. Four important factors affecting the quality of life of children with cochlear implants were the age at implantation, the duration of cochlear implants, the level of education with parents and the place of residence. Conclusion: The children with hearing impairment should use the cochlear implants as early as possible. While paying attention to the effect of postoperative hearing and speech rehabilitation, we should pay more attention to the evaluation of the quality of life, so that the children with cochlear implants can return to the mainstream society better.
Key words:
- cochlear implants /
- children /
- quality of life
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