Risk factors for recurrence of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a Meta analysis
摘要: 目的:应用Meta分析法探讨良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)行耳石复位后复发的相关危险因素。方法:检索PubMed、Embase、OVID、Springer、Proquest等数据库,筛选BPPV复发危险因素的相关文献,采用Revman 5.3软件对纳入的文献进行Meta分析。结果:最终纳入的文献共15篇,累计样本量共4 477例。Meta分析结果表明:伴有高脂血症较不伴有高脂血症患者(OR=1.74,95%CI 1.14~2.65,P=0.01),伴有梅尼埃病较不伴有梅尼埃病患者(OR=4.57,95%CI 2.78~7.52,P<0.01)BPPV耳石复位后复发率增加,差异有统计学意义;伴有糖尿病较不伴有糖尿病患者(OR=1.14,95%CI 0.84~1.54,P>0.05)和伴有偏头痛较不伴有偏头痛患者(OR=0.99,95%CI 0.66~1.47,P>0.05)BPPV耳石复位后复发差异无统计学意义。结论:伴有高脂血症、梅尼埃病为BPPV耳石复位后复发的危险因素。
- 良性阵发性位置性眩晕 /
- 复发 /
- 危险因素
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the risk factors for recurrence after otolith reduction of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo by Meta analysis. Method: The relevant literatures of risk factors for recurrence of BPPV were searched by the database of PubMed, Embase, OVID, Springer, Proquest. Revman 5.3 software was used to perform Meta analysis of the included literature. Result: A total of 15 articles were included in the final analysis and a total of 4 477 cases were included. Meta analysis results showed:the recurrent after otolith reduction of BPPV in patients with the hyperlipidemia and Meniere's disease increased significantly, compared to the patients without the hyperlipidemia and Meniere's disease, difference was statistically significant[OR=1.74, 95%CI(1.14-2.65), P=0.01;OR=4.57, 95%CI(2.78-7.52), P<0.01]. There was no significant difference in the recurrence after otolith reduction of BPPV in patients with diabetes and migraine compared without diabetes and migraine[OR=1.14, 95%CI(0.84-1.54), P>0.05; OR=0.99, 95%CI(0.66-1.47), P>0.05]. Conclusion: Hyperlipidemia and Meniere's disease are risk factors for the recurrence after otolith reduction of BPPV.-
Key words:
- benign paroxysmal positional vertigo /
- recurrence /
- risk factors
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