Efficacy of nasal cavity ventilation expansion surgery for OSAHS with multiplane obstruction
摘要: 目的: 研究鼻腔扩容术对多平面阻塞OSAHS患者主观与客观鼻腔通气状况及AHI、LSaO2的改善情况。方法: 对PSG监测确诊为OSAHS且经多种临床检查方式判断同时存在鼻咽平面及口咽平面阻塞而无喉咽平面阻塞的41例患者行鼻腔扩容手术治疗,所有多平面阻塞OSAHS患者术前行鼻声反射、鼻阻力检查评估患者客观鼻腔通气状况,并结合鼻阻塞症状评估(NOSE)量表评估其鼻塞严重程度。术后3个月再次行鼻声反射、鼻阻力检查及NOSE量表评估其鼻腔通气功能的改善情况,并行PSG监测评估OSAHS患者AHI、LSaO2的术前及术后变化情况。结果: ①鼻声反射、鼻阻力检查显示0~5 cm的鼻腔容积(UV5)较术前变化明显(P<0.05),鼻阻力(NR)与NOSE评分较术前明显下降(P<0.05);②多平面阻塞OSAHS患者术后AHI较术前明显降低(P<0.05),LSaO2较术前明显升高(P<0.05)。结论: ①鼻腔扩容术能够有效改善多平面阻塞OSAHS患者的主观及客观鼻腔通气状况,且二者变化具有一致性;②鼻腔扩容术后多平面阻塞OSAHS患者的AHI明显降低,且能够从源头性因素逐步改善其低氧血症的程度,有助于后续治疗的安全、有效进行。Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the improvement of nasal obstruction sympotom, AHI and LSaO2 of OSAHS patients with multiplane obstruction after nasal cavity ventilation expansion techniques.Method: All the 41 OSAHS patients diagnosed by PSG were assessed with multiplane obstruction after examinations.Nasal cavity ventilation expansion techniques were performed. Each patient received the examinations of acoustic rhinometry and nasal resistance to assess the objective nasal ventilation, completed the nasal obstruction symptom evaluation(NOSE) scale to assess the subjective nasal obstructon. Postoperative datas were obtained at least 3 months later.Result: ①The unilateral nasal volume 0-5 cm(UV5) were significantly changed(P<0.05), whereas the nasal resistance(NR)and NOSE were significantly decreased(P<0.05);②the AHI was significantly decreased,the LSaO2 was significantly increased(P<0.05).Conclusion: ①The nasal cavity ventilation expansion techniques can improve the nasal ventilation of OSAHS patients with multiplane obstruction;② the postoperative AHI was significantly decreased whereas the chronic hypoxemia of patients was improve after surgery. Nasal cavity ventilationexpansion surgery was effective and helpful for the later treatments for OSAHS patients with multiplane obstruction.
Key words:
- acoustic rhinometry /
- nasal resistance /
- NOSE /
- multiplane obstruction /
- nasal cavity ventilation techniques
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