摘要: 目的:探讨上颌窦的增龄性变化规律。方法:选取鼻旁窦螺旋CT检查结果正常的患者540例(1 080侧),其中男、女各270例;年龄7~81岁,按年龄分为9组:A组7~12岁,B组13~17岁,C组18~20岁,D组21~24岁,E组25~28岁,F组29~35岁,G组36~40岁,H组41~65岁,I组>65~81岁,每组按性别又分为男、女两组,每组30例(60侧)。测量上颌窦容积和三维径线,计算气化系数。结果:男性和女性上颌窦容积、三维径线随年龄变化趋势基本一致,在7~20岁线性增大,13~17岁增长最快,18~20岁达峰值,21~28岁小幅下降,29~35岁出现第2次增长高峰,36~40岁大幅下降,41岁后达到稳定状态;气化系数各年龄组无差异。结论:上颌窦容积在青少年阶段随年龄变化,中老年阶段达到稳定状态,气化系数无增龄性改变。Abstract: Objective:The aim of this study is to investigate the age-related changes rules of maxillary sinus.Method:The 540 patients(1 080 sides) with normal data of deputy sinus in spiral CT were enrolled,including 270 cases of male and female,age from 7 to 81 years old.They are divided into 9 groups according to the age:Group A at the age of 7-12 years old, Group B at the age of 13-17, Group C at the age of 18-20 years old, Group D at the age of 21-24 years old, Group E at the age of 25-28 years, Group F at the age of 29-35 years old, Group G at the age of 36-40 years old, Group H at the age of 41-65 years old, and Group I is more than 65 years old. By the gender,the patients in each group was divided into male and female groups. There are 30 cases in each group(60 sides). The volumes and the three-dimensional diameters of the maxillary sinus were measured, and the coefficient of gasification of them were calculated.Result:The maxillary sinus volume and 3 D lines have almost the same change trend along with the age between the male and female group; From 7 to 20 ages,they are increased linearly,13 to 17 fastest-growing;18 to 20 years old reached to peak;declined slightly in 21-28 years old, 29-35 a second growth peak,and 36 to 40 years old have fallen sharply, to reaching a steady state after 41 years old; The gasification coefficient has no difference among all groups.Conclusion:The volume changes with the age-related on maxillary sinus is in the adolescent stage. It reaches a steady state in the middle and old age stage,and gasification coefficient on maxillary sinus has no age-related changes among all groups.
Key words:
- maxilla /
- multi-slice spiral CT /
- volume /
- gasification coefficient
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